How Satan plays with Human Psychology
People have two choices for different scenarios, whether they may choose the right or the wrong way. The right way is declared by our All-Knowing creator, Allah leading to concepts of Al-Furqan. The other way, wrong one is declared by Shaitan (Satan). From this, we can see that Shaitan came into this world to misguide the Believers and to turn them away from the righteous path. To survive in this world, we must be aware of our enemies. Our enemy could be anyone whom we know or about whom we are unaware.
Allah says in the Quran 35:06
“Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so, take him as an enemy.”
Here Allah is addressing us about our enemy whose agenda is to misguide us. But we do not understand. Today Muslims are drowning in the illusions, traps, and wells created by Shaitan. We are unaware and have left the teachings of Islam where Allah has mentioned each step that we must take to spend our lives according to Islam. But what are we doing? Normalizing the haram and making halal difficult or impossible. We are not only ruining our lives but also ruining our Hereafter.
Allah says in the Quran [2:168],
“O men! Eat the lawful and good things out of what is on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan; surely, he is your open enemy.”
On whose command are we misguided?
Yes, we are performing all these actions on the sayings of Shaitan, who is our clear enemy.
Allah has mentioned every act of Satan in the Noble Quran but we are unaware of our enemy and get trapped.
In Surah Nisa verse [119], Allah has mentioned the agenda of Satan.
“And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah.”
These are the promises of Shaitan, in which he addressed about his agenda and practices, from these someone can easily identify the agenda of Shaitan. But the sad reality is that we do not understand and run after our desires.
The response of Allah to Shaitan,
“And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of Allah has certainly sustained a clear loss.”
Allah says in Surah Nisa verse [120],
“Satan promises them and arouses desires in them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion.”
Allah says in Surah Nisa verse [121],
“The refuge of those will be Hell, and they will not find from it an escape.”
Allah says in Surah Nisa verse [122],
“But the one who believes and does righteous deeds- We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. [It is] the promise of Allah, [which is] truth, and who is more truthful than Allah in a statement.”
From these verses, we can see who will gain victory and who will be at loss. But sadly, we are so trapped in our desires and in this temporary world that we can’t see reality. In our era, we can see that maximum of fields organizations are working on creating the satanic world, different organizations are promoting Satanism. A huge number of humans are following Satanism, doing occult practices, and working hard on getting appreciated by Shaitan.
While reading this I know most people will say that Satanism is not too much worse and it is not affecting the human world. Also, these are all conspiracies. But you are unaware of the reality, things have gone so much worst that you can’t even imagine.
Why the world is facing a lot of foolish protests? And these foolish protests are also taking place in Islamic Countries. Why?
Because Muslims are running after their desires, they need to fulfill their desires without realizing whether their acts are Halal or not. They want to upgrade their lifestyles with the intention to acquire the wordly things.
“Aurat March”, Islam is the only religion that gives rights to women in every manner, but Shaitan has influenced women’s minds that their original peace and freedom is to disobey Allah Almighty and go for their desires and achieve freedom, but in reality, this freedom is ruining their today’s life and the Hereafter.
“LGBT” is another agenda of Shaitan and his followers [the West] to fulfill your physical desires whether someone is from the opposite gender or the same. This concept is ruining the lives of our youth and damaging the family cycle. As Muslims, we know that this act is strictly forbidden in Islam and we can see the result by the end of the Nation of Lut(A.S).
The main issue is that Music has become halal. Every event, gathering, post, reel, and everything is incomplete without music. Concerts have been taking place frequently while the recitation or Islamic gatherings have gone so far. The most terrifying thing is that now, Saudi Arabia is organizing concerts inviting Black Pink, BTS, etc.
Our youth is passionately listening to west’s produced music, in which they are publicly praising Satanism, selling their souls to Satan, and many worst things.
Beyonce about her concert,
“When I am on stage it is not me, some soul comes inside me and performs.”
Shaitan wants them to worship him in return he will grant them fame.
When the sun sets, Shaitan takes his horns in front of the sun and presents himself like the sun is prostrating him. He just wants to show that there is no God and he is the only one to be worshipped. Many of the disbelievers who are committing sins on the orders of Shaitan believe that they are not capable of entering Heaven and their destiny is Hell. The misconception is that they believe, “Shaitan will be the Lord of Hell and he will not do injustice to them as they served him in this world”. But the reality is, in the end, Shaitan will not even consider them his alleys and will be under the justice of Allah Almighty. Satanism is just giving people fame but in reality, they are depressed, stressed out, and having anxiety. Because killing someone, drinking blood, and eating flesh can’t provide you peace of mind.
While Allah says in the Quran,
“Call upon Me; I will respond to you.”